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Support Groups

Below we’ve provided a list of local support groups and informational links. 请注意,这些冰球突破是根据提供给冰球突破的信息提供的. 一定要联系各个小组来回答问题,并确认会议的日期和时间.

Abuse & assault

为遭受家庭虐待和暴力的人提供直接支持和安全规划服务. Prevention education, training, 以及为结束家庭暴力进行专业咨询. Call the hotline at (800) 239-7298 or our office at (207) 490-3227. Email us at, or visit for more information.

Offers services, support, and shelter for battered women and their children. Offers ongoing support groups in Portsmouth, Dover, and Salem, NH是指那些经历过或正在经历伴侣身体或精神虐待的人. For more information, dates, and locations, please call (603) 436-7924 or visit

为性侵受害者及其家人提供支持小组. For more information, please call the 24/7 hotline at (603) 994-7233, our office at (603) 436-4107 or visit


For times and locations in Southern Maine & NH area visit or call (207) 774-4335.

Support group for families and friends of alcoholics. For more information, please call (800) 498-1844 or (207) 284-1844; or go to their website at

Support group for teenagers of alcoholics. Call (800) 498-1844 for meeting times and locations; or visit their website at

社区保健小组支持改善健康和预防药物滥用. “选择健康”是一个社区健康联盟,由州和联邦拨款资助,旨在防止青少年滥用药物. Coalition partners include municipalities, schools, civic organizations, businesses, faith communities, law enforcement, and retailers. While most of the work is done within the York Hospital service area, support is also provided to York District Public Health (York County). To learn more, call (207) 351-2655, email, or visit our Community Health page.

The Recovery Center, 冰球突破的药物使用障碍治疗项目提供了支持和咨询, please call (207) 351-2118 or visit our Recovery Center web page.


Meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 3:00–4:00 p.m. at the Beacon office, 25 New Hampshire Ave, Suite 272, Portsmouth, NH. Eight sessions per term. Call (603) 433-2480 for more information and to find out when the next cohort starts.

Bereavement support. Meets third Friday of the month at their office at 25 New Hampshire Ave., Suite 272, Portsmouth, NH 03801. FMI, call (603) 433-2480.

Eating disorders

Are you underweight? Overweight? Obsessed with food, weight, or dieting? You are not alone. Today, there is a solution. No dues, fees, or weigh-ins. Free information sessions. For a complete list of meetings, please visit or call Lynn at (603) 778-1799.

Health conditions

为艾滋病毒感染者和艾滋病患者及其家人和伴侣提供各种支持小组. For more information, please call (603) 433-5377 or visit

冰球突破健康生活癌症支持小组为那些应对诊断的患者提供情感支持和信息, treatment, and recovery from cancer. The group meets the second Monday of the month via ZOOM from 1 – 2 p.m. Please contact Susan Kelly-Westman to obtain the website link at: (207) 351-3721.

冰球突破的中风支持小组为幸存者和家属提供了一种了解中风影响的方法,以及丰富他们生活的方法. We recognize that a stroke affects the whole person and their loved ones. We are happy to offer this group as a forum to share experiences, to gain support for the journey, and to become inspired to move forward after a stroke. The group meets the fourth Monday of the month 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. via Zoom. Please contact Susan Kelly-Westman to obtain the website link at: (207) 351-3721.

Local services & resources

211 Maine is a comprehensive statewide directory of over 8,000 health and human services available in Maine. 免费的2-1-1热线将呼叫者与训练有素的呼叫专家联系起来,他们可以全天候提供帮助. 查找健康和人类服务问题的答案和查找冰球突破就像拨打2-1-1或访问一样快速简便

A House for ME was created by a group of concerned people, health care providers, veterans, advocates, parents, and educators, 谁联合起来改变了为有特殊需要的社区成员提供支持住房的方式. 冰球突破用一个支持圈围绕着冰球突破的病人——那些出现在他们生活中的人,因为他们想要在那里, who enrich their lives, and who help them fully integrate into the community.  For more information, visit or email

Located in York, Maine at the York Public Library, the Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Groups, a safe place for people living with dementia and their care partners, are conducted by trained facilitators. You will develop a support system, exchange practical information on challenges and solutions, talk through issues and ways of coping, and share feelings, needs, and concerns. Meets third Wednesday of the month, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at York Public Library, 15 Long Sands Road, York, Maine. FMI, contact Linda Bresnahan, (603) 560-5522 or Learn more at:

Located in York Harbor, Maine at St. George’s Church, 时间的奇迹早教中心完全致力于提供质量, affordable childcare and a positive academic experience for each child. Our mission is to provide developmentally nourishing infant, preschool, and toddler programs and support for working families. Learn more at:

If you would like more information or are interested in volunteering,
email: or call (207) 606-0738.

Fair Tide的使命是通过向沿海地区的个人和家庭提供住房和支持性服务来减少无家可归现象. Learn more by calling (207) 439-6376 or visiting their website at

有关第一教区公理教会的更多信息,请访问他们的网站 or call (207) 363-3758. There are also office hours available, Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 2 p.m.

York Hospital’s Health Care Help Center (HCHC), 是否有一种容易获得的服务,使人们——无论是新患者还是老患者,或者仅仅是社区成员——都能找到有关其医疗保健途径的问题的答案. Located on the lower level of the hospital’s Henry Warner Building, 16 Hospital Drive on the York campus, 这个诱人的空间被设计成一个回答和帮助的中心“枢纽”,将有助于确保患者在冰球突破获得最佳的访问和体验.

Whether you need to find a doctor, want help scheduling an appointment, can’t afford to pay a bill, need assistance with prescription drug coverage, want to enroll in a health insurance plan or medicare, need assistance for an elderly parent, or don’t understand a diagnosis, our experts will be happy to provide caring support and guidance.

We’re open Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. by appointment only. For more information, call us at (207) 351-2345 or visit our Health Care Help Center page.

York Hospital Home Care provides nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, social worker, and home health aides. 冰球突破的团队提供了一个进步的家庭健康机构的临床知识和专业知识,冰球突破长期以来一直以关怀和同情而闻名. 冰球突破提供富有同情心和优质的服务,让病人在休养期间可以舒适地待在家中,从而缩小持续护理的差距, disability, or chronic or terminal illness.

Patient care is individualized and communicated throughout the team. 冰球突破与社区项目网络密切合作,目标是让这些人尽可能长时间地呆在家里. A nurse from our team is available 24/7 for patient or referral questions. Learn more on our Home Care page.

Address: 6 Summit Avenue, York, Maine 03909 
(on York Hospital’s Main Campus)
Phone: (207) 337-7300
Toll Free: (877) 564-3321
Fax: (207) 337-7327

圣诞老人事业为缅因州约克县社区越来越多的有需要的家庭提供适合年龄的礼物和节日支持. Requests come in from our pre-approved, third-party referring individuals — counselors, teachers, social workers, child protective services, etc. Thanks to the support of our community and volunteers, we have never left a request for help unanswered. Visit their facebook page at to learn more, or email

York Adult and Community Education offers over a hundred classes, including business skills training, fun personal enrichment, and more. 看看冰球突破目录的黄页,找到最适合你的课程! For more information, call (207) 363-7922 or visit

Our mission is to partner with York residents who are in need of support, services, 在冰球突破工作人员的帮助下,他们度过了人生的艰难时期, volunteers, and community. 冰球突破的旧货店通过家庭服务和食品储藏室为冰球突破在约克服务的客户筹集资金. Learn more at or call (207) 363-5504. We are located at 855 US Route One in York, Maine.

For more than 50 years, 约克郡社区一直指望YCCAC为各种情况下的人们提供机会和希望, particularly in times of transition or adversity.

We are driven by the belief that when our communities are strong, all of its members have opportunities to thrive — and, in turn, when an individual achieves personal success and independence, our communities grow healthier, stronger, and more vibrant. For more information, call (207) 324-5762 or visit

In 2006, 约克郡家庭基金是与约克第一教区教堂合作创建的, Maine. 该基金帮助了数十个个人和家庭度过危机时期. 它旨在帮助那些习惯于自给自足的勤劳的人. 他们通常不熟悉正式的援助项目支持,但发现自己迫切需要,无处求助. 冰球突破与约克郡的神职人员合作,并依靠他们对需求的谨慎判断. There is no requirement to be affiliated with a church to receive aid. To learn more, visit or call (617) 875-0024 or email

缅因州最具特色和负担得起的老年人社区之一,提供独立生活, 完整的服务菜单为老年人精心策划的活跃的成年人,他们值得安心的社区生活. 约克房屋委员会自1978年成立以来,目前拥有和管理136个长者房屋单位. All levels of affordability make them a unique housing provider. 约克住房的使命是提供安全、清洁、经济适用的住房.

For more information, visit or call (207) 363-8444.

The York Public Library is located at: 15 Long Sands Road in York, ME 03909. For information about hours, programs and events, visit, email, or call (207) 363-2818.

Mental health

缅因州的NAMI组织和NH支持项目对任何有精神疾病的人或任何家庭成员开放, friend, professional, or caregiver who needs support with the challenges of mental illness. For more information on NAMI in NH visit; or for information on NAMI in Maine, visit

Military members & family

Military OneSource is a 24/7 connection to information, answers, and support to help for members of our military family, who are eligible to use this Department of Defense-funded program anytime, anywhere. Turn to Military OneSource for tax services, spouse employment help, webinars, online training, relocation and deployment tools, and much more. Learn about some of the ways we serve you here: